Image Data Representation
Image Data Representation • Pixel (pel), element of images • Representasi Image: 2 dimensional array of pixels (called bitmap) • Dengan cara yang sama (bitmap), image disimpan di video memory, dalam frame buffer. • Image resolution refers to the number of pixels in a digital image. ,ex: 1600x1200, 640x480 The resolution of the video card does not have to match the desired resolution of the image, but if not enough video card memory is available, the data has to be shifted around in RAM for display • Aspect ratio, ex: 4:3 Image Depth • 1-bit Monochrome Image - binary image - 0 and 1, black and white • 8-Bit Gray-Level Images - 0 – 255: black to white - 8-bit image as a set of 1-bit bitplanes • 24·Bit Color Images - Each pixel = 3 bytes - 256x256x256 = 16,777,216 possible combined color - Many 24-bit color images are actually stored as 32-bit images, with the extra byte of data for each pixel storing